XProj/SDK … or use

on Monday, August 31, 2020

In the previous post, Use XProj/SDK project files with ASP.NET Web Apps, I describe creating a custom AfterBuild Target which would copy over the files from the standard `/bin/{configuration}/{architecture}` dll output location to the standard `/bin` webapp output location.

A coworker pointed output can be controlled with the `<OutDir>` build property. Which is way easier to use. So, here’s an updated .csproj file:

Use XProj/SDK project files with ASP.NET Web Apps

on Monday, August 24, 2020

The new SDK style project files (sometimes called VS2017 project files, and at one point referred to as xproj files) were not designed to work with ASP.NET Web Application projects. If you’re looking to use the newer SDK project files, then Microsoft is hoping you would use them with ASP.NET Core web apps. However, the SDK project format is soo much easier to work with than the older style, that it’s painful to go back to the old files and their associated packages.configs once you’ve moved to the new style.

So, if you were to convert a .NET 4.8 Web App’s .csproj file to an SDK style project file what are the problems that now occur:

  • You can’t target a webapp as an output type with the SDK style project file. The closest you have is the ability to target framework net48 with a library/dll output type (the default type).
  • I think that might be it?

How do you overcome that challenge:

  • If your output type is a library/dll and you set your targetFramework to net48, then you will create an output directory at /bin/{Debug|Release|Xxxx}/net48 which contains all the dlls and other references that would have normally gone into the web app’s /bin folder. So, you are producing the files that you need.
  • You just need to copy those files into the root /bin folder for IIS/IIS Express to run the website normally. To do that you can add a “CopyToBin” Target to you .csproj file. This target will run after the build completes.
  • After that, you will want to directly modify the .csproj file  to associate files which are commonly grouped together; such as Web.*.config files.

Here is an example:

Unfortunately, if you do this; it will help makes things work on your local machine. But, it won’t really help for your build process. If you use a third party tool to do builds for you, you’ll need to create a custom script which will run after your build completes, but before the results are packaged for deployment. This would need to be a custom solution for your environment. But, the basic outline would look something like this:

  • Have your build system check that the .csproj file is (a) building a “web app” (however you define that), (b) a net4X application, and (c) using an SDK style csproj file.

    With that many checks needed before performing an action; you know this isn’t a great idea.
  • Once verified, you’ll want to copy all the normal content files from the source code to a designated output location (css, js, imgs, views?) and then recreate the /bin directory using the output from the build.

Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection - ASP.NET

on Monday, August 17, 2020

There is an fantastic Stackoverflow answer on how to use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection inside of a WebAPI 2 project (ASP.NET Full Framework). While it’s not cutting edge, it is a good middle ground solution when rewriting an entire ASP.NET application to ASP.NET Core seems out of the realm of possibility.

I took the code snippet and broke it apart a little bit to create a reusable project to house it. It’s not great, so I don’t really think it’s worth creating a github repo or a nuget package, but if you want to drop it into a project in your code base it could help out.

Here’s an example usage in a .NET 4.8 ASP.NET MVC / WebApi 2 based project:

And, it relies on a DependencyInjection.AspNet.WebApi library, which is targeting framework net48 (here’s the .csproj):

And, here’s the original stackoverflow posts code, just slightly modified:

Powershell Range Operator Performance

on Monday, August 10, 2020

This is a truly silly experiment, but it caught my interest. I was discussing Iron Scripter Challenges with thedavecarroll and he was using switch statements with range operators (PSGibberish.psm1):

What struck me as odd was the idea that the range operators might be calculating each of their ranges at runtime, on each execution of the function.

So, I ran a couple of experiments and the range operators are pretty neat. Here’s what I think (with no real definitive proof to support) is happening with them:

  • Range Operators used within Switch statements, that are contained within Functions are Cached.
    • It seems like when the function is JIT’d, the Range Operator value is calculated and Cached.
    • So, there’s no reason to pre-calculate the values and reference them within the function.
    • And, if you do reference variables from outside the function, looking up variables that require a scope lookup can also be time consuming. (Although, performance isn’t why people turn to powershell in the first place.)
  • Range Operators used within a Switch statement outside of a Function are not cached (like a code block).

To determine this, I ran a series of test against a function which focused on executing the switch statement which used range operators:

To determine how much time was spent making the function call and setting the $a variable, this function was used. This is noted as “Calling a Function Overhead”.

Switch Avg Execution Time = Total Avg Execution Time – Calling a Function Overhead

The results were:

The results indicate that both the Range Operator when run inside of a Function, and the Explicitly Scoped Cached Values have about the same running time. Which might indicate that when the function is JIT’d, it calculates the Range Operator values and caches them.

The large increase in running time between Range Operator and Cached Values not in Func might indicate that searching for variables outside of the function scope has a relatively costly penalty by comparison.

And, finally the Range Operator that was run outside of a Function was mostly likely calculated on each execution. While relatively expensive, its surprisingly fast. C# usually uses 10,000 ticks per millisecond, so that’s ~0.19 milliseconds for compilation and execution.

Full Test Script:

Diagnosing Slow node builds on Win2016

on Monday, August 3, 2020

In a move a from a Windows 2012 R2 build server to a Windows 2016 build server, the nodejs build step nearly doubled in it’s execution time. This seemed odd, since everything else was pretty much the same on the new server. So, what could the difference be?

Fortunately, a coworker point me towards the Windows Performance Recorder from Microsoft’s Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK). This worked really well in troubleshooting the issue, and I just wanted to drop in some screen grabs to show it’s visualizations.

The build was on-premise, so I did have access to install the kit** and control the execution of the Windows Performance Recorder to coincide with the execution of the problematic step. This would have been much more difficult on a hosted build server.

Getting the visualization comes by way of a two-step process.

  • First Windows Performance Recorder is used to track analysis information from all over your system while the issue is occurring. You can track different profiles, or record more detailed information in particular areas through manual configuration.
  • Once the problem has been recorded, the analysis information can then be pulled up in Windows Performance Analyzer. Which has a pretty nice interface.

First, here’s a screenshot of Windows Performance Analyzer from the “dotnet publish” (ie. npm init/build) step on the older Windows 2012 R2 server. In the screenshot, the step started by running node.exe and performing the init command. Which would copy over the npm packages from the local npm-cache. This would take about 60 seconds to complete.

However, when performing the same build/same step on the new Windows Server 2016 instance, node.exe wasn’t the dominant process during npm’s init phase. Instead another process was dominant (greyed out in the screenshot), which ran for nearly the same length of time as node.exe and seemed to mirror the process. Because the other process was competing for CPU time with node.exe, the node process took nearly 200 seconds to complete (up from 60 seconds).

So, what was the other process?

MsMpEng.exe, aka. Windows Defender, the classic anti-virus software. On the Windows Server 2016 image I was using, Windows Defender was pre-installed and doing it’s job.

I didn’t take a screenshot of it, but using the Disk IO dashboard I was able to drill into what files MsMpEng.exe was reading and something struck me as odd. It almost looked as if Windows Defender was virus checking the file before it was read before the copy, and read again at the destination after the copy. I’m not sure if that’s the case, but it did seem odd.

For the resolution, I added some Path Exclusion rules to the realtime file scanning capability of Windows Defender. These were specific paths used by the build system and we know those files should be coming from trusted sources. I still left on realtime process scanning and also ensured the scheduled scans were setup, which would look through all the files.

The final result of adding the excluded paths reduced the overall time for the npm init section down to 80s (down from 200s, but also up from 60s on the old, not bad); and MsMpEng.exe was still reporting that is was performing realtime virus scans on the process itself.

A quick sidenote: The offline installer is kind of odd. To do the offline installer, you run the online installer and direct it to download it’s files/resources to the same directory where the online installer’s adksetup.exe is at. The next time you run adksetup.exe, it will detect the the files have already been downloaded and present a different set of options when it runs.

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