Web Farm Framework and Win 2012/IIS 8

on Friday, October 18, 2013

So, it looks like the Web Farm Framework may have been folded into IIS after IIS 7. But, it wasn’t made very clear to the community. The closest thing I could find to explain why Web Farm Framework was no longer available was in the IIS.net forums. Which is kind of disappointing, because you’d think there would be an evangelist on the product talking about the change.

Anyways, the thread post that talks about IIS 8 not using WFF.


And, the associated technet article that explains it:


What I have gained from the experience is that technet’s articles are the authoritative source on the latest way you should go about implementing anything within IIS. And, you should not expect an evangelist to spread the word through a blog. The change will happen in the background, and you will need to check technet to be aware.


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