PowerShellGet with Multiple Source Repositories

on Monday, May 26, 2014

The PowerShell Team added the PowerShellGet module in the May 2014 update to the v5.0 Preview. This created an official Microsoft repository for pulling in the latest modules. But, it also allowed for companies and teams to setup their own internal repositories. The PowerShell Team put together a post on how to setup a MyGet repository with just a few keystrokes.

The ability to have a private repository for your team is great. What would make it even better is if you could have multiple repositories that are all searched and used when Finding and Installing modules.

Internally, PowerShellGet uses NuGet to handle package management. Which is a wonderful thing. It’s a great product and has been used by other projects like MyGet and Chocolatey without any problems.

However, there was one little problem. The PowerShell Team didn’t want to have any conflicts with updates or end user configurations with their normal NuGet installations. Because of this, PowerShellGet downloads a separate installation of NuGet.exe and only allows for one repository to be used at a time. That repository is defined by the variable $PSGallerySourceUri. How could it be updated to work more like ‘normal’ NuGet and handle multiple repositories?

With a little bit of updating to the internal PSGallery.psm1 file, you can now get an updated version of PowerShellGet which can handle both a NuGet.Config file and multiple repositories defined within the $PSGallerySourceUri variable.

The module can be found with:

$PSGallerySourceUri = “https://www.myget.org/F/smaglio81-psmodule/api/v2

I think you should be cautious about using it as I set it up only to ask for the functionality to be added by the PowerShell Team. I don’t really have long term plans of maintaining it.

Source Code: https://github.com/smaglio81/powershellget

Two other things to look at with private repositories:


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