Quick Redis with PowerShell

on Friday, October 24, 2014

ASP.NET has some great documentation on How To Setup a SignalR Backplane using Redis, but it uses a linux based server as the host. The open source port of Redis maintained by MSOpenStack creates an incredibly easy to install Redis server for a Windows Server environment (using Chocolatey ... KickStarter). This is a quick PowerShell script to install redis as a Windows Service, add the firewall rule, and start the service.

# PreRequisites
#    The assumption is that the server can use chocolatey to install

# use chocolatey to install precompiled redis application
#    this will install under the binaries under $env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\redis-X.X.X\
cinst redis-64

# install redis as a service
#    redis will make the service run under Network Service credentials and setup all appropriate permissions on disk
redis-server --service-install

# open firewall ports
. netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=SignalR-Redis dir=in protocol=tcp action=allow localport=6379 profile=DOMAIN

# start the service
redis-server --service-start

Note: When installing the service there is an error message "# SetNamedSecurityInfo Error 5". But, it doesn't seem to affect anything; everything seems to run without a problem.


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