
on Friday, April 1, 2016

In a previous post I forgot to include the PowerShell code for Get-FullDomainAccount. Sorry about that.

Here it is:

$env:USERDOMAIN = "<your domain>"
	Ensures that the given domain account also has the domain prefix. For example,
	if the -DomainAccount is "IUSR_AbcXyz" the "<your domain>\IUSR_AbcXyz" would most likely
	be returned. The domain is pulled from the current users domain, $env:USERDOMAIN.

	If -Environment is provided, this will also run the -DomainAccount through
	Get-EnvironmentDomainAccount to replace any environment specific information.

		Used to apply environment specific value to the domain account

    $result = Get-FullDomainAccount -DomainAccount "IUSR_AbcXyz"
    $result -eq "<your domain>\IUSR_AbcXyz"
Function Get-FullDomainAccount {
Param (
	[string] $DomainAccount,
	[string ]$Environment = ""
	$accountName = $DomainAccount;

	if($Environment -ne "") {
        $accountName = Get-EnvironmentDomainAccount -Environment $Environment -DomainAccount $DomainAccount;

    if($accountName -match "ApplicationPoolIdentity") {
        $accountName = "IIS AppPool\$accountName"

    if($accountName -match "LocalSystem") {
        $accountName = "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)\$accountName"

	if($accountName -notmatch "\\") {
		$accountName = $env:USERDOMAIN + "\" + $accountName;
	return $accountName;


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