MyGetUcsb – Move a package between feeds

on Monday, November 5, 2018

MyGet is pretty dang cool, but the delete functionality was a little surprising. Specifically, this is the delete functionality through the nuget API. The delete functionality through the websites UI is fantastic and really easy to follow.

The NuGet team put together great documentation why a delete operation is considered to be an “unlist” operation. They even have policy statements about it. The weird part is that even though the standard DELETE operation should unlist the package in MyGet, my experimentation didn’t show that happening. Instead the package kept being listed.

But, I have diligent co-workers that were able to not only make the package unlist, but they found out how to do a hard delete. I’m not sure how they found out about ‘hardDelete=true’, but if they found it by reading deeply into the sample code provided by MyGet then I am truly impressed.

The code sample demonstrates functionality that is also available as method Move-MyGetPackage in the MyGetUcsb powershell module.


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