Let’s Encrypt, IIS Central Cert Store and Powershell

on Monday, February 18, 2019

Let’s Encrypt is a pretty popular tool with a mission to generate free SSL certificates in order to create a more secure internet. The goal is to ensure that the price of SSL certificates does not stand in the way of using them. Unfortunately, when you don’t charge for a product you really have to cut down on the amount of money you spend on customer service.

Their website is a model for limited user interaction. They provide documentation, help guides, and then they point you away from their site and towards the sites of many supporting tool providers which implement their SSL generation platform. But, you will be hard pressed to find a “Contact Us” or “User Support Forum” area on letsencrypt.org. To summarize their site: Here’s how it works, here’s the client providers, read the client providers documentation please.

I don’t fully understand the ACME protocol, but to me it reads like a strict Process and API for validating requests and provisioning signed certificates. Normally there might be a handy website that will guide you through this process with step-by-step instructions but, because there are so many different types of computer systems and programming languages that can implement the ACME protocol, they leave those guides up to the implementers of the ACME clients for each of those systems.

My preference is Powershell, and I found the Posh-ACME guide gave me a good start, but didn’t help me through the final steps of installing the certificate for use with IIS. In this case, an IIS Centralized Certificate Store. So, hopefully this can help others with a start to finish script showing the end users process; instead of hunting down individual steps from different sites.


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