IIS Healthcheck & Ninject Memory Leak

on Monday, April 22, 2019

This post is definitely not related to the new Healthcheck system introduced in ASP.NET Core.

I’ve written before about a problem with IIS where the Web Farm healthcheck subsystem creates “healthcheck spamming”. The memory leak described in this post is exacerbated by the healthcheck spamming problem and can create application pools with excessive memory use.

The Ninject Memory leak problem is not a problem with Ninject itself, but a problem with the implementation that I had prescribed within our architecture. I just want to be clear that Ninject doesn’t have a memory leak problem, but that I created an implementation which used Ninject improperly and resulted in a memory leak.

Originally, in our Top Level applications (ie. Company.Dealership.Web) the NinjectWebCommon loading system would configure a series of XxxHealthcheckClient and XxxHealthcheckProxy objects to be loaded In Transient Scope. Which is normally fine, as long as you use the created object within a using block; which would ensure the object is disposed. However, the way I was writing the code did not use a using block.

This meant that when a request came into the Company.Dealership.Web.Healtchcheck Controller an instance of Company.Car.HealtcheckClient and Company.Car.HealthcheckProxy would be created and loaded into memory. The request would then progress through Company.Dealership.Web and result in the Proxy making a call to a second website, Company.Car.Web.Healtcheck(Controller). The problem was that once all the calls had completed, the Client and Proxy objects within the Company.Dealership.Web website would not be disposed (the memory leak).

For a low utilization website/webapi this could go unnoticed as IIS’ built-in application pool recycle time of 29 hours could clean up a small memory leak before anyone notices. But, when you compound this memory leak issue with IIS’ healthcheck spamming the issue can become apparent very quickly. In my testing, a website with a single healthcheck client/proxy pair could consume about 100 MB of memory every hour when there are ~200 application pools on the proxy server. (200 appPools x 1 healthcheck every 30 seconds per appPool = 24,000 healthchecks per hour).

The guidance from Ninject’s Web development side is to change your configurations to no longer use Transient Scope when handling web requests. Instead, configurations should scope instances to In Singleton Scope or In Request Scope. I did some testing and In Singleton Scope consistently proved to remove the memory leak issue every time, which In Request Scope didn’t. I tested In Request Scope a few times and one of the times, the memory leak issue reoccurred. Unfortunately, I could not determine why it was leaking and it truly made no sense to me why it happened (it was most likely a misconfigured build). But, either should work.

When using Ninject within a website, any classes which extend Entity Framework’s DBContext should always be configured In Request Scope.

Here is some code which can detect if a class is currently configured to use In Transient Scope (or is not configured at all) and will reconfigure (rebind) the class to In Singleton Scope:


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