Don’t update IIS’ applicationHost.config too fast

on Monday, June 3, 2019

IIS’ applicationHost.config file is the persistent backing store for a servers IIS configuration. And, a running IIS instance will monitor that file for any changes on disk. Any changes will trigger a reload of the configuration file and an update to IIS’ configuration, including application pool updates. This is a really nice feature which allows for engineering teams to perform updates to IIS hosts using file operations; which makes it much more flexible to alternative configuration management solutions (hand written scripts, chef, puppet, etc).

Unfortunately, there is a risk involved with updating applicationHost.config outside of the standard appcmd.exe or powershell modules (webadministration and iisadministration). Because the file is read in from disk after each update, a series of rapid updates can cause a pseudo race condition. Even though the file system should prevent reads from occurring when a write is occurring, there seems to be a reproducible problem that IIS may only read in a partial XML configuration file (applicationHost.config) instead of the full file as intended. It’s almost as if updating the file either prevents the reading to finish, or it starts reading in the changes half way through. This only happens sometimes, but if your IIS server is busy enough and you perform enough writes to the applicationHost.config file you can get this error to occur:

The worker process for application pool ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxx` encountered an error ‘Configuration file is not well-formed XML’ trying to read configuration data from ‘\\?\C:\inetpub\temp\apppools\xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxxxxxx.config’, line number ‘3’. The data field contains the error code.

An odd thing to note is that the error message has an unusual value for the .config file name. It uses the application pool name instead of the normal ‘web.config’ (ie. ‘\\?\C:\inetpub\apppools\apppoolname1\apppoolname1.config’).

This is pretty easy to make happen with a for loop in a script. For example:

To prevent the reading problem from happening, there are a number of ways:

  • Use appcmd.exe as Microsoft would suggest
  • Use the Powershell modules that Microsoft provides along with the Stop/Start-*ComitDelay functions
  • Or, put the script to sleep for a few seconds to let IIS process the previous update. This is the most flexible as you can perform updates using a remote network share; where the others requires an active RPC/WinRM session on IIS server. (Example below)


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