Fun Little Cryptogram

on Monday, July 1, 2019

There’s an interesting site which creates powershell based scripting challenges for practicing DevOps thinking and continual learning. It’s kind of like a kata website with a funny “Battle for the Iron Throne” feel to it.

A few days ago they posted a really small cryptogram to find a hidden message within some text. I say really small because I have a coworker that is active in crypto games and the stuff he does is mind blowing (

Ironscripter’s challenge is more light hearted and just a quick game to help you think about powershell, string manipulation, visualizing data to make it useful and so on. So, here’s my solution to the challenge.

(I think I might go back later and use a language file to try and match the text in the possible solutions; instead of trying to look through them manually.)

(Thanks to David Carroll for pointing this site out: His solution)


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