Translate a BDD User Story to a Pester/Selenium Test

on Monday, October 28, 2019

This is a very simple example of taking a User Story that’s written in a BDD style given-when-then pattern and converting it into a Selenium based UI Test. To do this, I’m going to use Pester and a Selenium Powershell module (mentioned previously in Selenium & Powershell) to write the executable test.

So, let’s start out with a very common scenario, logging into a website. It’s not the greatest example as it’s generally assumed that development teams will need to ensure this functionality works and might not make it into requirements written by end users or driven by business value statements. But, here’s the simplified use case anyways:

Scenario: User logs in with valid credentials

Given that I am not logged in,

When I enter my username and password and click the Log In button,

Then I will be logged in and I will see the Search page.

So, let’s translate this to some example code:


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