Convenient Rebinds for ASP.NET Core DI

on Monday, February 24, 2020

ASP.NET Core’s Dependency Injection system is a solid implementation and can provide solutions for most DI needs. But, like most DI systems, it is an opinionated API (and rightly so). I moved to the ASP.NET Core implementation from Ninject and, in doing so, there were a couple of Ninject methods that I really missed. Especially the .Rebind functions.

These are the functions that will take a interface-to-implementation binding in the system, and remove the old binding and set up a new one; with new lifetime scoping and new configuration/implementation details. With ASP.NET Core’s system, they really want the developer of the application to setup exactly the bindings that they desire at the very beginning of the program. And, the first binding that’s put in place should be the last binding made for that interface-to-implementation approach.

Their approach is well reasoned and it has it’s merits. It should lower overall confusion and needed knowledge when trying to figure out what bindings are being used. If you start reading Startup.cs’s ConfigureServices and you find a binding declaration, that should be the correct binding which will be resolved at runtime.

However, because of Ninject’s .Rebind functions, I am stuck in the mind set that bindings should be flexible as new subsystems are added. If you make a library, MyLib, that has a default caching implementation that uses InMemory caching, then your library will most likely setup a binding of IMyLibCache to MyLibInMemoryCache. If I then create an add-on library that implements caching using redis, MyLib.Redis, then I want to be able to swap out the binding of IMyLibCache with a new binding to MyLibRedisCache.

With the prescribed API of ASP.NET Core’s DI system, the way you would do this in code would look something like this:

But, that just feels backwards. When you were writing your original code, you would have to know upfront that someone in the future would have a need to use a different caching system. So, you would have to have the forethought to create the binding using .TryAddTransient() instead of .AddTransient().

It would feel much more natural if it was written like this:

So, that’s the Ninject thinking that is stuck in my head. And, because of it, here are a few convenience overloads which can make working with IServiceCollection a little bit easier:


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