AzureDevOps PR Policies with Powershell

on Monday, June 1, 2020

After tinkering with AzureDevOps Pull Request Statuses, I started thinking about automating the creation of the policies. The build policies need to be setup on an individual repository basis because it requires a build definition to be associated with it. Some policies could be moved to the Project level (like the Minimum Number of Reviewers or Merge Strategy policies). But, I’m not sure if you can override a Project level policy in an individual branch.

So, I went searching to see if anyone had already done it and Jesse Houwing had: Configuring standard policies for all repositories in Azure Repos. I really liked his approach to exploring the API and using the json created by AzureDevOps to help construct his solution. I also was really interested by the idea of using the Azure CLI to perform the updates.

However, I was still pretty enamored with how easy the .NET SDK libraries were to use and thought I could continue to use them with Powershell to perform similar updates. So, here’s some sample code which can create a simple policy like: At least one reviewer is required on a Pull Request and that reviewer can be the requestor.


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