List of useful commands: Remote Commands

on Monday, June 15, 2009

When using remote desktop a number of problems can occur which will make your remote system unresponsive. The worst of which is a system freeze, which requires a hard boot. But, here’s a couple things to try before driving into the office. In order to use these commands you will need to remote into another system on the same network.

Attempt a remote reboot of the system: shutdown –m \\XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX  -r

Sometimes, after attempting a remote restart the shutdown process seems to hang or become unresponsive. If that occurs, then you can use psexec to attempt to run remote commands: psexec \\XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX cmd.exe

Once you have a command prompt on the remote system, you can get a list of active processes using: tasklist

And, you can kill a process using: taskkill /PID XXXX or taskkill /IM notepad.exe

To exit psexec use Ctrl-C.


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