Windows 7 RC, VS 2010 Beta & SQL Server 2008 SP1

on Saturday, June 13, 2009

Near the end of the VS 2010 Beta installer SQL Server Express 2008 is installed. The installer will pause for a moment and display a warning dialog stating that SQL Server has known compatibility issues with this version of Windows. An installation helper is provided which offers a solution of installing SQL Server 2008 SP1. The given link to the SP1 installer is:

Unfortunately, all of the downloads on the page are install for SQL Server Express editions, not SP1. There are links on the bottom of the page which lead to the SP1 download:

Hopefully, this write up will clear up a little bit of the confusion. It’s also likely that a future version of the installer will include the service pack.

PS. After a little bit more searching on MSDN, I ran across a much more thorough write-up by Weston Hutchins:


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