AWS ALB Price Planning w/ IIS : Grouped Sites

on Monday, October 22, 2018

This post continues the series from AWS ALB Price Planning w/ IIS : Rule Evaluations Pt. 2.

Having all the data in IIS and generating out all the hourly LCU totals helps define what the monthly charges could be. But, my expectations are that I will need to split the 71 DNS host names over multiple ALBs in order to reduce the total cost of the LCUs. My biggest fear is the Rule Evaluation Dimension. The more the host names on a single ALB, the more likely a request will go past the free 10 rule evaluations.

To do this, I need to build a script/program that will generate out possible DNS host name groupings and then evaluate the LCUs based upon those groupings.

In the last post I had already written a simple script to group sites based upon the number sub-applications (ie. rules) they contain. That script didn’t take the next step, which is to evaluate the combined LCU aggregates and recalculates the fourth dimension (the Rule Evaluation LCU).

But, before that …

The Full Database Model

So, instead of having to comb through the previous posts and cobble together the database. I think the database schema is generic enough that it’s fine to share all of it. So …

New Additions:

  • ALBGrouping

    This is the grouping table that the script/program will populate.
  • vw_ALB*

    These use the ALBGrouping table recalculate the LCUs.
  • usp_Aggregate_ALBLCUComparison_For_DateRange

    This combines all the aggregates (similar to vw_ProxySiteLCUComparison). But, the way the aggregation works, you can’t filter the result by Date. So, I needed a way to pass a start and end date to filter the results.

ALB Grouping Results

Wow! It’s actually cheaper to go with a single ALB rather than even two ALBs. It way cheaper than creating individual ALBs for sites with more than 10 sub-applications.

I wish I had more confidence in these numbers. But, there’s a really good chance I’m not calculating the original LCU statistics correctly. But, I think they should be in the ball park.


I have it display statistics on it’s internal trials before settling on a final value. And, from the internal trials, it looks like the least expensive options is actually using a single ALB ($45.71)!

Next Up, AWS ALB Price Planning w/ IIS : Add IisLogWebAppId.


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