AWS ALB Price Planning w/ IIS : Rule Evaluations

on Monday, October 8, 2018

This post continues the series from AWS ALB Price Planning w/ IIS : Bandwidth. Here are couple things to note about the query to grab Rule Evaluations:

  • This can either be the most straightforward or most difficult dimension to calculate. For me, it was the most difficult.
  • The IIS logs I’m working have 73 distinct sites (sometimes referred to as DNS host names or IP addresses). But there are 233 web applications spread across those 73 distinct sites. An ALB is bound to an IP address, so all of the sub-applications under a single site will all become rules within that ALB. At least, this is the way I’m planning on setting things up. I want every application/rule under a site to be pointed at a separate target server list.
  • An important piece of background information is that the first 10 rule evaluations on a request are free. So, if you have less than 10 rules to evaluate on an ALB, you will never get charged for this dimension.
  • Another important piece of information: Rules are evaluated in order until a match is found. So, you can put heavily used sub-applications at the top of the rules list to ensure they don’t go over the 10 free rule evaluation per request limit.
    • However, you also need to be aware of evaluating rules in the order of “best match”. For example, you should place “/webservices/cars/windows” before “/webservices/cars”, because the opposite ordering would send all requests to /webservices/cars.
  • The point being, you can tweak the ordering of the rules to ensure the least used sub-application is the only one which goes over the 10 free rule evaluations limit.

With all that background information, the number of rule evaluations are obviously going to be difficult to calculate. And, that’s why I fudged the numbers a lot. If you want some ideas on how to make more accurate predictions please see the notes at the bottom.

Here were some assumptions I made up front:

  • If the site has over 8 sub-applications, that site should have it’s own ALB. It should not share that ALB with another site. (Because the first 10 rule evaluations are free.)
  • All sites with less than 8 sub-applications should be grouped onto shared ALBs.
  • For simplicity the groupings will be based on the number of rule evaluations. The number of requests for each sub-applications will not be used to influence the groupings.


Here were my biggest take aways from this:

  • When an ALB is configured with more than the 10 free rule evaluations allowed, the rule evaluation LCUs can become the most dominant trait. But, that only occurs if number of requests are very high and the ordering of the rules is very unfavorable.
  • The most influential metric on the LCU cost of a site is the number of requests it receives. You really need a high traffic site to push the LCU cost.
  • As described in the “How to get more accurate numbers” section below. The hourly base price of an ALB is $0.0225 per hour. The hourly LCU price is $0.008. So, as long as you don’t spend over 2.8 LCU per hour; it’s cheaper to bundle multiple sites onto a single ALB rather than make a new one.

To demonstrate this, here was the second most heavily “requested” site. That site has 22 sub-applications. I used some gorilla math and came up with a statement of “on average there will be 6 rule evaluations per request” ((22 sub-applications / 2) – (10 free requests / 2)). Looking at August 1st 2018 by itself, the Rule Evaluations LCU was always lower the amount of Bandwidth used.


How to Gather the Data

Since I wanted every application under a site to need a rule; I first needed to get the number of web applications on the IIS server. I do not have that script attached. You should be able to write something using the WebAdministration or IISAdministration powershell modules. I threw those values into a very simple table:

Once you get your data into dbo.ProxyWebApps, you can populate dbo.ProxyWebAppCounts easily with:

Now, we need to calculate the number of requests per application for each hour.

And, finally, generate the LCUs for rule evaluations and compare it with the LCU values from the previous dimensions:

How to get more accurate numbers:

  • Instead of generating hourly request statistics based upon Date, Time, and SiteName; the hourly request statistics need to be based upon Date, Time, SiteName, and AppPath. To do this you would need to:
    • Assign a WebAppId to the dbo.ProxyWebApps table
    • Write a SQL query that would use the dbo.ProxyWebApps data to evaluate all requests in dbo.IisLogs an assign the WebAppId to every request
    • Regenerate all hourly statistics over ALL dimensions using Date, Time, SiteName and AppPath.
  • Determine a new algorithm for ALB groupings that would attempt to make the number of rules in each group 10. But, the algorithm should leave extra space for around 1000~1500 (1.0~1.5 LCU) worth of requests per ALB. The applications with the lowest number of requests should be added to the ALBs at this point.
    • You need to ensure that all applications with the same SiteName have to be grouped together.
    • The base price per hour for an ALB is around 2.8 LCU. So, if you can keep this dimension below 2.8 LCU, it’s cheaper to get charged for the rule evaluations than to create a new ALB.

Next Up, AWS ALB Price Planning w/ IIS : Rule Evaluations Pt. 2.


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