MyGetUcsb PowerShell Module

on Monday, July 30, 2018 makes a great product, as written about many other places (Hanselman, Channel 9). However they don’t have a prebuilt toolset to automate tasks for working with MyGet. It’s a bit ironic that MyGet doesn’t publish their own nuget packages.

So, MyGetUcsb is a small PowerShell wrapper around their REST Management API. It’s not a complete implementation of their API, and it doesn’t work “right out of the box”.

  • Not a full implementation
    • It only implements the functions that were necessary to setup user accounts in the way our department needed them to be setup.
  • Doesn’t work “right out of the box”
    • The security system is implemented to use a private instance of Secret Server. You’ll need to replace the code that retrieves the API Key with your implementation.
  • Unsupported and No Plans to Work On
    • The implementation was just to solve a problem/need that our department had. There’s no plans to support or improve the project in the future. But, feel free to use it as a reference project to build from.

Surprisingly, the Enterprise package (with limited SSO integration) still requires all team members to have MyGet Accounts. All team members must maintain their passwords for MyGet. It’s important they store their MyGet username/password information securely as it’s needed to use the feeds.

To use the module is pretty straight forward. This is an example that will query AD to pull some user information. Convert the information into user objects and then populate MyGet with the account information.


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