Invoke-WebServiceProxy and Ignore Errors

on Monday, February 11, 2019

One of the frustrating parts of using Invoke-WebRequest, Invoke-Rest, and Invoke-WebServiceProxy is that when they “throw” errors, they don’t actually throw. Many of the original powershell functions don’t throw errors, instead they use Write-Error and and return control from the function. This is really strange functionality for anyone coming for C#, javascript, or other 3GL languages.

You can suppress the error message by using the [CmdletBinding] parameter –ErrorAction “SilentlyContinue”. However, there are two problems with this. When using ‘SilentlyContinue’, the error message is still written to the $global:Error collection. And, these functions don’t always implement the functionality the same way. For example, Invoke-WebRequest doesn’t care what the error action is, it’s still going to write the error to the screen and it’s going to update the $global:Error collection.

The output from these two examples is kind of hard to see, because the Write-Host from within the finally block writes to the screen before the error message from Invoke-WebRequest. But, when $global:Error.Clear() is run within the finally block it somehow only affects a scoped instance of $global:Error. Which is completely counterintuitive to the idea of ‘$global’.



But, the way Invoke-WebServiceProxy was written, it does respect the –ErrorAction parameter. And it was seemingly designed to work like this:

  • -ErrorAction Continue

    Writes an error message to screen. Updates $global:Error. And returns nothing.
  • -ErrorAction SilentlyIgnore

    Does not write an error message to screen. Updates $global:Error. And returns nothing.
  • -ErrorAction Ignore

    Does not write an error message to screen. Does not update $global:Error. And returns nothing.

This implementation makes sense when you understand it. But, because Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-WebService behave differently you would never know it.


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