Promoting Vision and Behavior through Validation

on Monday, August 19, 2019

Building out a new architecture requires many processes and behaviors to be re-evaluated and modified. Those changes take time to refine, communicate and become embedded within a departments teams. And, when it comes to changes within the understanding of how processes works, it’s a very slow process which takes a large amount of repetition of intentions in order to build a communal understanding of a larger vision. And, usually, a lot of the details get lost when you’re trying to shift your mindset from one large vision over to a new large vision. The small stuff doesn’t really sink in until the large stuff has taken root.

But, there are minor opportunities to help remind team members of those smaller details when implementing validation checks within your systems. Software developers do this all the time when developing websites for their end customers. But, it isn’t done as often for internal facing applications or infrastructure pieces. For example, Domino’s requires you to put in a telephone number when you order a pizza for delivery, because if their driver becomes lost they will need to call you. The error message on the Domino’s order form does say the field is required, but it also has a little pop-up tip of why it’s required. When was the last time you saw an internal facing application explain why it wants you to do something in a validation message?

Its difficult to know when it will be useful to put in the extra time to adjust an error message in order for it to be more informative. So being on the look out for anyone that is reporting an issue and directly saying, “I didn’t know we should do it that way” is very helpful in locating places where a little more attention could go a long way.

Here’s an example. This was the original error message:

Service Accounts should start with ISVC_, IUSR_, or SVC_. Domain Account = '{0}'. AD User and Group accounts can also be used. Service Accounts should not start with '{domain name}\'

And after the update, here’s the new error message:

Service Accounts should start with ISVC_, IUSR_, or SVC_. Domain Account = '{0}'. AD User and Group accounts can also be used. Service Accounts should not start with '{domain name}\'. Please see `serviceaccount guidelines` for more information.

And this is what `serviceaccount guidelines` provides:

Service Accounts

Service accounts cannot be over 20 characters long including the endings of 'Dev' and 'Test'. Because of that, the maximum allowed length is 16 characters, which should include the prefix.


    IUSR_   Stands for IIS User Account. Used with websites that are seen/used by end users.
    ISVC_   Stands for IIS Service Account. Used with webservices and webjobs.
    SVC_    Stands for Win Services Account. Used with Windows Services and Scheduled Tasks.



When choosing names for accounts, try to avoid redundancies within the name. For example, IUSR_DoorWebApp{env} would have 2 redundancies. 'Web' is redundant because the prefix of 'IUSR_' indicates it's a top level web application. And, 'App' is redundant because the prefix of 'IUSR_' indicates it's a web application. Another example of redundancy would be to add 'Svc' in an 'ISVC_' account name, eg. 'ISVC_DoorSvc{env}'.

It’s a small addition, but it has two effects. First, it’s communicating out a group of standardized application types and how to signal to other’s what the role of your application is. It’s also empowering the team members to have the information necessary to make solid decisions without needing to reach out to other teams (who may be busy with other work).

It’s extra overhead to put together the extra documentation, but it can definitely be worth it.


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