.NET Core Installer Wait Loop

on Monday, September 16, 2019

.NET Core has a pretty fast release cycle and the team is not offering their hosting bundles through the Windows Update/SCCM Update channels. So, you may find yourself need to install the bundle on your system yourself. (I envy all the Docker folks that don’t need to think about this ever again.)

But, if you are looking to create a small installation script for .NET Core that can run remotely on your servers using Powershell, this snippet might help you get started. The script relied on the command Get-InstalledNetCoreVersion which can be found in a previous post.

The installer is really quick, always under 3 minutes, but the tricky piece is waiting until the installation completes. This particular wait loop can actually exit before the installer completes. But, the 60 second wait period between “checks” hasn’t created any race conditions yet.


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