Book Review? A Seat at the Table

on Monday, May 18, 2020

Mark Schwartz’ A Seat at the Table (amazon, audible) is as close of description of DevOps to the one I have in my head as I’ve ever read. It definitely doesn’t have all the answers, and it asks some questions where the offered answers don’t feel like they satisfy all aspects of the question. But, it’s always an earnest answer which tries to address as many aspects as it can while still being very coherent and relatable.

Some pieces that I haven’t heard from other books (which seemed to match my own thoughts):

  • Projects which are bound by start and ends dates aren’t enough for long term success. By placing an artificial end date on a project it only ensures that the product will become stale and unmaintained after that end date. Even if you were to have product teams (Project to Product) it still isn’t enough, because that only secures knowledgeable resources to be available as future needs are determined. You also need to flatten the management structure to give the product team full agency over the product direction. So that the team can pull feedback directly from their customers and determine the future needs themselves. This is very hard to achieve because of the need for the team to be knowledgeable about the long term needs of the company and it’s strategies.
  • In a lot of Lean Management books (like James P. Womack’s works) there are incredibly vivid and tangible descriptions of how to implement Lean Principles within a Product line. But, they feel somewhat vague about the role of management within Lean production. Even Gemba Walks (2nd Edition) description felt like it was saying “the leadership should set a direction and strategize on how to execute in that direction without creating confusion”. It’s very vague and kind of hand wavy.

    But, in this book, Mark Schwartz very clearly states that management is a form of Waste. “If your not coding, your a waste” (<—take that with a grain of salt, it’s taken out of context). The goal of management is to set a direction and remove as many impediments as possible from the path to achieve that goal. Management adds value by removing the impediments and reducing the number of interruptions. And you don’t need multiple levels of management to do that. For me, that helps explain why Lean Management books are soo thin on the topic of what Managements role is: Management just isn’t a massively important part of product creation in Lean.

Of course no two people ever see eye-to-eye on everything. There was one statement that really threw me for a loop and I’m puzzling to better understand his view point:

In a chapter describing Quality in Software development he stated that all bugs should fall into two categories: either they should be fixed immediately, or they should be accepted as acceptable and never recorded/addressed as backlog items.

Now, I’m definitely on board with the idea that not all bugs are equal and there are some that should be fixed right away: Build is broken (test failure, deployment failure), production bug, practically anything that prevents work from being completed. But, when a bug isn’t an immediate fix, I feel like it should still be added to the backlog to be fixed during the next sprint. Maybe I need to read/listen to the chapter again and see if he made some caveats around when you should change it from a bug report to a feature request, or if the bug report comes from an end user it’s always an immediate fix. I don’t know.

I really hope that one day he might write another book that tackles real world problem scenarios that he’s run into and how he overcame them. I feel like the majority of DevOps books bring up that there are almost always conflicts between colleagues surrounding producing functionality vs meeting security and compliance goals; but then the authors wave a magic wand by saying “and this leads to discussions that ultimately result in value being created.” But, I haven’t read a book that digs in and describes an actual situation that occurred, getting into the details of the difficulties (from conflicts in opinion, conflicts over policy interpretation, conflicts in ideology, etc) and then describes all the tools and strategies that we used to overcome each of the difficulties. Maybe I have read that book and I’m just too dense to have noticed it.


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