Baseline C# Objects to Populate Jira DevInfo Pt. 2

on Monday, July 6, 2020

From the previous post, Baseline C# Objects to Populate Jira DevInfo Pt. 1:

Jira has this great “Development Information” (DevInfo) that can be associated with your work items. Which has an API described here. The information provided in the development tabs are for Branches, Commits, Pull Requests, Builds, Deployments and Feature Flags. Which is a way to have visibility into all the development/code activity that is related to a particular work item. It’s a great way to connect everything together.

On the previous post, there’s also a list of “gotcha’s” with the Jira documentation and a list of things could be improved.

But, this post is about the baseline C# objects which can be used to push information to the Atlassian/Jira DevInfo API.


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