Powershell Range Operator Performance

on Monday, August 10, 2020

This is a truly silly experiment, but it caught my interest. I was discussing Iron Scripter Challenges with thedavecarroll and he was using switch statements with range operators (PSGibberish.psm1):

What struck me as odd was the idea that the range operators might be calculating each of their ranges at runtime, on each execution of the function.

So, I ran a couple of experiments and the range operators are pretty neat. Here’s what I think (with no real definitive proof to support) is happening with them:

  • Range Operators used within Switch statements, that are contained within Functions are Cached.
    • It seems like when the function is JIT’d, the Range Operator value is calculated and Cached.
    • So, there’s no reason to pre-calculate the values and reference them within the function.
    • And, if you do reference variables from outside the function, looking up variables that require a scope lookup can also be time consuming. (Although, performance isn’t why people turn to powershell in the first place.)
  • Range Operators used within a Switch statement outside of a Function are not cached (like a code block).

To determine this, I ran a series of test against a function which focused on executing the switch statement which used range operators:

To determine how much time was spent making the function call and setting the $a variable, this function was used. This is noted as “Calling a Function Overhead”.

Switch Avg Execution Time = Total Avg Execution Time – Calling a Function Overhead

The results were:

The results indicate that both the Range Operator when run inside of a Function, and the Explicitly Scoped Cached Values have about the same running time. Which might indicate that when the function is JIT’d, it calculates the Range Operator values and caches them.

The large increase in running time between Range Operator and Cached Values not in Func might indicate that searching for variables outside of the function scope has a relatively costly penalty by comparison.

And, finally the Range Operator that was run outside of a Function was mostly likely calculated on each execution. While relatively expensive, its surprisingly fast. C# usually uses 10,000 ticks per millisecond, so that’s ~0.19 milliseconds for compilation and execution.

Full Test Script:


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