Copying Build Task Groups with VSTeam

on Monday, December 17, 2018

So, we finally got around to updating our VSTS / Azure DevOps XAML based builds to Pipeline builds (the slick web based builds). This effort is just in time to get the functionality switched over before XAML builds get disabled on Azure DevOps. From Brian Harry’s Blog:

By the end of 2018, we will remove all support for XAML builds in all Team Services accounts.  By that time, all customers will need to have migrated to the newer build system version because their XAML builds can no longer be run.  We will continue to support the web based experience for viewing previously completed XAML based builds so that you have access to all your historical data.

The process of converting over these builds has been tremendously helped by the excellent open source VSTeam Powershell module (github). The creator of this module, DarqueWarrior (Donovan Brown), is amazingly talented and particular in his development practices. And, I love him for it.

Using his/his teams module as the underlying framework it was pretty quick and easy to build out a little additional functionality to copy Task Groups from one project to another. I would love to contribute the addition back to the project, but I just don’t have the time to put together the meticulous unit tests, follow the excellent coding standards, and integrate it into the underlying provider. I’m still in a race to get these builds converted before they get turned off.

So, here’s a quick gist of building some copying functionality on top of VSTeam:


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