AWS ALB Price Planning w/ IIS : Add IisLogWebAppId

on Monday, October 29, 2018

This post continues the series from AWS ALB Price Planning w/ IIS : Grouped Sites.

This doesn’t really help figure out much in the larger picture. But, I wanted to separate out statistics about the Web API applications from the normal web applications. Web API applications are strong candidates for rewrites as Serverless ASP.NET Core 2.0 Applications on Lambda Functions. Changing these applications to Lambda Functions won’t reduce the cost of the ALB as they will still use host names that will be serviced by the ALB. But, this will help figure out the tiny tiny costs that the Lambda Functions will charge each month.

This is just an intermediary step to add WebAppId’s to all of the requests.

Background Info

Instead of adding a WebAppId column onto the IisLog, I’m going to create a new table which will link the IisLog table entries to the ProxyWebApp table entries. The reason for this is that the IisLog table has 181,507,680 records and takes up 400 GB of space on disk. Adding a new column, even a single integer column, could be a very dangerous operation because I don’t know how much data the system might want to rearrange on disk.

Plan of Action and Execution

Instead, I’m going to

  1. Add a WebAppId int Identity column onto table dbo.ProxyWebApp. The identity column won’t be part of the Primary Key, but it’s also a super tiny table.
  2. Create a new table called dbo.IisLogWebAppId which takes the Primary Key of table dbo.IisLogWebAppId and combines it with WebAppId.
  3. Create a script to populate dbo.IisLogWebAppId.
  4. Create a stored procedure to add new entries nightly.

The scripts are below, but I think it’s worthwhile to note that the script to populate dbo.IisLogWebAppId took 4h57m to create on 181,507,680 records which was 15 GBs of disk space.


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